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Episode 014: Tips For Navigating Thanksgiving

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Living with chronic illness and/or autoimmune conditions may mean that you’ve had to make some adjustments to your diet. And that leads to Thanksgiving looking a little differently than it has before. In this episode, Andrea talks all about how to navigate Thanksgiving while supporting your needs, advice for setting up boundaries, and even a little perspective shift.


Episode 002 about autoimmune and chronic illness
Episode 004 about Interstitial Cystitis
Learn more about boundaries from Melissa Urban
Favorite Paleo Flour blend: King Arthur Paleo Flour


Start making a list of the foods and treats you look forward for the holiday and then from that list, look for where you’re going to need to make some swaps and substitutions. This will help guide you for shopping lists and recipe searches.

Google what you’re looking for with keywords in front like, “Paleo” “Whole30” “Keto”. This will help you find alternative recipes for your favorite holidays foods.

Practice setting some boundaries. You can journal on this and write out some possible conversations that you are concerned about and write out your response. This will help you practice and prepare for the big day.

Picture of Andrea


Andrea is a holistic nutritionist living in Colorado with her husband and their pittie. She helps fellow midlife women nourish themselves and create their Radiant Life.

Our Radiant Life
Hi! I'm Andrea

I’m a holistic nutritionist, Star Wars fan, and doggie mom living in Colorado.

I eat chocolate on the regular, love a good matcha latte, and am a hard core Enneagram #5.

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